I’m Annari

With over two decades of expertise as a Creative Director, I've navigated the realms of agencies and corporations, leaving my mark across diverse sectors including automotive, technology, FMCG, Telecoms, and banking. My portfolio boasts renowned brands like Coca-Cola, MINI, BMW, Samsung, BT, GSK, Lloyds Banking Group, and OakNorth. I've crafted integrated campaigns, shaped customer experiences, and pioneered digital strategies, deploying them across traditional, online, and native channels, both internally and externally.

What do I do

My forte lies in crafting unforgettable experiences.

During my extensive career spanning over two decades, I've had the privilege of accumulating a rich reservoir of knowledge and expertise within the design industry.

What can I do

End to end and more

Throughout the past two decades and more, I've had the fortunate opportunity to amass a considerable wealth of knowledge and experience within the realm of design.

  • Business Requirement Gathering: I specialise in comprehending and collecting business requirements, collaborating closely with stakeholders to discern their needs, objectives, and aspirations. This collaboration enables me to synchronise UX design strategies with the overarching business strategy, ensuring that the user experience fulfils both user and business requisites.

    User Requirement Gathering: Proficient in conducting user research and gathering user requirements through diverse methods such as interviews, surveys, and observation. This expertise grants me profound insights into user preferences, pain points, and behaviours, facilitating the design of solutions that effectively address their needs.

    Discovery Workshops: I run discovery workshops to unveil valuable insights about the target audience, project objectives, and hurdles. These workshops promote collaboration, stimulate creativity, and empower cross-functional teams to synchronise their comprehension and vision.

    Product and Business Strategy: I contribute to product and business strategy by leveraging my understanding of user needs, market dynamics, and industry standards. I aid in defining the product’s vision, positioning, and uniqueness, ensuring that UX design aligns seamlessly with the overarching strategic direction.

    Content Audit: I conduct thorough content audits to evaluate existing content, identify gaps, and provide informed recommendations for content enhancement and organisation. This cultivates a cohesive and user-friendly content experience.

    Competitor Analysis: Through meticulous competitor analysis, I grasp the landscape, identify industry trends, and glean insights into best practices and differentiation opportunities. This analysis shapes the UX design strategy and ensures a competitive advantage.

    Empathy Map and User Personas: Utilizing empathy maps and user personas, I cultivate a profound understanding of the target audience, their motivations, goals, and pain points. These tools steer the design process and ensure solutions centered around the user.

    Task Model and User Flow: I craft task models and user flows to visualise user interactions and journeys within a system or interface. These models uncover bottlenecks, optimise user flows, and craft intuitive user experiences.

    Analysing Click-Through Data: I scrutinise click-through data and user behaviour metrics to glean insights into user interactions, patterns, and preferences. This data-driven approach informs design decisions and optimisation strategies.

    Ideation Workshop: I lead ideation workshops to foster creativity, generate innovative ideas, and explore potential design solutions. This collaborative approach encourages diverse perspectives and uncovers unique insights.

    Define Problem Statement and Mission Statement: Collaborating with stakeholders, I articulate clear problem and mission statements, ensuring a shared understanding of project objectives and guiding principles.

    Impact Effort Matrix and Goal Setting: I utilise impact effort matrix techniques to prioritise design decisions, balancing potential impact on user experience with implementation effort. This approach streamlines goal setting and resource allocation.

    Defining Success and Success Metrics: I collaborate with stakeholders to define success criteria and metrics for evaluating UX design solutions' effectiveness. This ensures alignment of design decisions with measurable objectives.

    User Journey Maps and User Stories: I create user journey maps and user stories to visualize end-to-end user experiences and identify improvement opportunities. These artefacts steer the design process and ensure a user-centric approach.

    Information Architecture, Card Sorting, and Sitemap: I structure information effectively by crafting intuitive information architectures, conducting card sorting exercises, and developing comprehensive sitemaps. This facilitates seamless navigation and content discovery for users.

    Feature Shaping Session: I orchestrate collaborative sessions involving engineers, copywriters, BAs, stakeholders, and more. Together, we review upcoming user stories, considering both business and user requirements. Through dynamic discussions, we identify features that effectively address identified problems. This inclusive process fosters collaboration and ensures final features align with the overall vision, delivering exceptional user experiences.

  • Understanding User Needs: Utilising diverse research methods such as user interviews, surveys, and usability testing, I unearth the underlying needs, preferences, and pain points of your target audience. This knowledge aids in aligning products and services to better meet customer expectations, leading to heightened satisfaction and loyalty.

    Enhancing User Experience: Through usability tests and user journey mapping exercises, I pinpoint usability issues, bottlenecks, and areas for improvement within digital platforms or physical products. This enables me to refine the user experience, streamline processes, and craft intuitive interfaces that captivate customers.

    Validating Design Decisions: When launching a new website, app, or product feature, I contribute to validating design decisions through user feedback and testing. This ensures that design choices are substantiated by user insights, mitigating the risk of costly mistakes and increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes.

    Optimising Conversion and Engagement: By analysing user behaviour, conducting conversion rate optimisation (CRO) studies, and leveraging A/B testing, I enhance the performance of business websites or apps. This includes refining user flows, optimising calls to action, and boosting user engagement, ultimately driving higher conversions and customer satisfaction.

    Persona Development and Audience Segmentation: I craft detailed user personas based on meticulous research and data analysis. These personas serve as representative archetypes of a brand's target audience, enabling tailored products, marketing messages, and user experiences for specific customer segments, resulting in more effective targeting and messaging.

    Competitor Analysis: Through comparative research and analysis of competitors' user experiences, I offer insights into industry best practices, identify opportunities for differentiation, and help organisations stay ahead of the competition.

    Data-Driven Decision Making: Employing quantitative and qualitative data analysis, I derive meaningful insights from user feedback, behavioural data, and usability metrics. These insights empower informed decision-making backed by evidence, reducing guesswork and minimising risks.

    Continuous Improvement: Recognising user research as an ongoing process, I establish feedback loops and iterative research cycles, enabling businesses to continually gather user insights, monitor user satisfaction, and drive ongoing improvements to products and services.

  • I possess extensive expertise in developing, refining, and sustaining intuitive design systems. By harnessing the latest methodologies and technologies, my aim is to create design systems that epitomise innovation.

    My approach to design systems transcends mere centralisation. I envision comprehensive design systems that encompass all aspects of an organisation’s digital products and brand touchpoints. Prioritising user-centered design principles ensures that the solutions not only meet current needs but also cultivate an environment of continual evolution and enhancement (future-proofing).

    To accomplish this, I stress the importance of offering clear guidance within the design system. This involves establishing a well-structured library and easily accessible source of truth. These resources are invaluable in eradicating inconsistencies across diverse environments and channels, ultimately delivering an exceptional user experience. Additionally, they generate significant long-term cost savings for a business. This approach also redefines how a brand communicates and interacts with its audience, establishing new benchmarks in design excellence.

Areas of Expertise

Creative Direction / Design Direction / Branding / User Interface Design / User Experience Design / Design Systems / User Flows / Prototyping / Agile Work Methods