Compass group

The Fuel Service

The Compass Group is a global foodservice leader which manages the catering and canteens of some of the UK's largest companies.

In most companies, employees now end up working through the lunch break or skip meals. Compass needed to simplify and streamline their mealtime services in an effort to get employees healthier and create more productive environments. We were asked to develop a system progressive and intelligent enough to achieve this across all their clients.

We introduced "Fuel Service" a digital technology that improves employee performance by creating energising workplaces and better performance through the food they eat and the quality of all their break-times. The portal makes it easy to browse menus, order food from their desk for delivery or book a table and invite colleagues or clients. It also plugged into utilities like their diaries, suggesting meals or snacks based on their itinerary.

July 2014 Associate Creative Director, Art Director, UI Design Lead – DigitasLBi, London

Online Portal

Being physically energised – Get consumers to view healthy food as energising food.

Being energised socially – Give consumers more reasons to eat and drink together.

Staying mentally focused – Get consumers to feel positive about taking breaks, and encourage them to take breaks where Compass does or can deliver food services.





Kurt Geiger