Samsung EDM

#GALAXYexperience - We own music

Samsung wanted to be more relevant to the younger audience who started on the handsets, only migrate to other brands as they upgraded in their early 20's. The brand didn't seem to resonate with them, seeming far too corporate, so the solution was to give the brand a voice in their very busy social life. 

Samsung sponsored the 5 biggest EDM parties in the country culminating in biggest of them all, Sensation. To get the best experience, inside info, offers and music, we developed #GALAXYexperience, a social network based around their lifestyle, their love of EDM music and connecting with friends through Samsung. The application rewarded users the more they socialised, partied and danced.

August 2013 Creative Director, Art Director, UI Design Lead, Information Architect, UX Design – Gloo, South Africa

“#GALAXYexperience is an amazing and innovative application that’s helping to keep Samsung relevant to this young, hip audience.”

Lucien-Marc Vallun
Head of digital Marketing, Samsung Hand-held products SA

Case study

Dark mode

Light mode


Samsung idols


BT Smart Hub